Renovating your apartment building... How do you get started?

Energy prices are soaring and you would prefer to seal up every nook and cranny of your flat to keep out the cold winter air. Understandable, but not a sustainable solution in the long run. Renovating your home energetically is the best way to ensure that you are keeping up with all the energy requirements and that you don't have to sit out in the cold (or extreme heat). But if you live in an apartment building, this is out of your control. Nevertheless, it is important to renovate properly, as regulations on buildings are met with higher and higher environmental standards. For houses with individual homeowners this still works, but apartment buildings with several co-owners can run into problems here: you need to come to a consensus together and find the necessary funding.
To overcome the obstacles to this renovation, ten parties, including Embuild Flanders, have committed to the CondoReno project (Creating and Multiplying Integrated Home Renovation Services for private condominiums in the Netherlands and Flanders). This four-year project aims to create six integrated renovation services for apartment buildings. This will also be tested immediately in some existing cases, including in Mechelen and Antwerp.
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